မိတ္ေဆြအေပါင္းက်န္းမာ..ခ်မ္းသာၾကပါေစ.. ေမာင္ေရႊရိုး (နည္းပညာစုစည္းမႈ): Change IMEI via Mobileuncle MTK IMEI Write Tool expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Change IMEI via Mobileuncle MTK IMEI Write Tool

Good တယ္ေနာ္........

 Huawei y511-T00 

1.download Mobileuncle MTK IMEI Write Tool
 Mobileuncle MTK IMEI Write Tool.zip
input"Y",input IMEI code
 finally,create IMEI .BAK,move it to ur phone or SD card Click image for larger version

Name: F2@4@I]]9O}{)MNT%KD(PA4.jpg
Views: 63
Size: 6.7 KB
ID: 2713694
2.download mobileuncle_MTK_toolv2.9.9.apk
3.need root, run mobileuncle MTK tool,choose IMEI backup and restore,restore IMEI.bak. 

Refer link :xda-developers

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